quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2020


27 leaflets created by Dr Luís Patrício

English version
For consumers

To explain yourself to people under 10

For those over 10 years old

Thousands of copies were printed and distributed in health centers and schools in the Azores, for the first time in 2003 - 2004, in an edition of the Autonomous Region of the Azores - Regional Secretariat for Social Affairs

Here and now for you, the translation in English and with a new graphic arrangement  by 
João Silva
Thanks João

terça-feira, 10 de março de 2020

DRUGS AT NIGHT: RISK PERCEPTION - COCAINE Commentary of the comparison between the night life then and now

Commentary of the comparison between the night life, then and now

Lisbon Portugal
By Luis Patrício - MD  Psychiatrist
English Version by Carlota Pires

Consumption of Cocaine and Sexual Practices – Which increased risks?
Consumption of Cocaine and Depression – Which increased risks?
Consumption of Cocaine and Psychosis – Which increased risks?
Consumption of Cocaine and Anxiety – Which increased risks?
Consumption of Cocaine and Hypertension – Which increased risks?

Consumption of Cocaine or ‘BLOW’

What nobody wants but may take the consumer to the Emergency Services:
  • -          Anxiety crisis
  • -          Agitation
  • -          Chest pain
  • -          Palpitations

There is so much of basic knowledge to acquire and realities to recognize.

Consumption is not mandatory.

If you are going to consume, inform yourself of the risks and quality of product.



Video May 2019
Commentary of the comparison between the night life then and now, whereby users shed a light on the consumption and practices at night which are unknown, not recognized or ignored.

Cocaine has been BANALIZED
from the WC to the dance floor,
over the counter and at the table.

Raging from the 25 years of age to those above 40

Is the consumer little or very aware?


University Student
Another professional?
Without a Job?

Portuguese version May 2019 at

Youtube Video link: https://youtu.be/8JMYlixh32E

 More vídeos by  Dr Luís Patrício : https://www.youtube.com/user/psimedicina

quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2020

             Cannabis in the City, Streets and on Campus                       2005 - 2019

Published by Drug Prevention Case – Mala da Prevenção Dr. Luís Patrício
English version by
Carlota Pires

In Portugal, Cannabis is wrong.

Supply has increased

Demand has increased
Consumption has increased.
Variety in consumers has increased,
Now, consumers range from ages 12 to 70

Consumption has outgrown the cities and reached the villages.
Consumption increased at home, as well as at schools and in parks.

Increased satisfaction for those who believe that everything is alright. As such, all the above has become a success.

It has increased the ignorance of consumers.
Solidifies the ignorance of consumed products.

Cannabis in Portugal

In Portugal, consumerism has made Cannabis banal.
Generations change,
People grow up and die.
In this case, banality is illegal.

What is now an illegal cultural banality, will force its change
into a legal cultural banality. Its legalization.

In past times, in different cultures, Cannabis was not illegal.
But, due to its power on society, has been made illegal.

Again, because of the power it holds, deeming it illegal became the only response, both nationally and internationally.

Culture and health may agree.
Culture and health may disagree.

They will always disagree when knowledge threatens power.

And when knowledge collides with power…..

But, when power diverges from knowledge, it promotes ignorance and obscurity, in order to legitimize power.

Knowledge is a threat to power,
Ignorance preserves tyranny and praises dictatorship.

“In the hands of the posh,
In university, its where you find quality.”

Legalization will solve the illegalization.
It does not solve the inadequacy in Education
It does not solve the inadequacy in Prevention
The persistence with misinformation on quality will aggravate reality.

Propaganda and lies do not know limits.
Knowledge and truth have recognized their limits by rejecting the lies.

Medical cannabis is not for chilling
It is checked, controlled and for treatment.
It is for medical use.

Cannabis for chilling is not for treatment,
It is unchecked, uncontrolled and for fun.
It is for recreational use.

Not knowing the use of the unknown, is to aggravate the risk.

Medical cannabis is checked and controlled.
If administered with medical responsibility, it serves as treatment.
It is not for fun.

Street cannabis is unchecked, uncontrolled.

Recreational use, to have fun, is for self-satisfaction.
It is not for treatment.

Portugal, 2001 – 2019

From ages 12 to 70, nothing comes as a surprise
And if university is a school, the ignorance surrounding its usage and quality is baffling.

Not knowing lack of control, aggravates the risk of falling ill.

Who does not lie? The leader or the patient?


[SOON: The English Version of Cannabis Video]

Canábis na Cidade, Rua e Universidade 2005-2019

2005 – 2019
From the Street to University

Thank you “João” for your contribution to prevention.

From the video, think about what “João” has told us
And its relation to prevention.

Controlled Supply, reduction of demand
Reduction of risks with minimized damage.
Treatment and Recovery.

Thanks Carlota Pires 
 for your cooperation
Luis Patrício - 4-3-2020

sábado, 12 de outubro de 2019

Alcoholic Drinks Promote knowledge Don’t ignore ignorance

Alcoholic Drinks
Promote knowledge
If you want to drink learn to be responsible
Don’t fight against knowledge
Don’t ignore ignorance
More to knowledge signifies better choices
Consumption isn’t mandatory

Alcohol - Ethyl alcohol or ethanol
  A neurotoxic psychoactive chemical
It results from fermentation of sugary materials
It’s in all beverages that have alcohol
Nice for those who like
Unpleasant for those who don’t like
It’s the same as exists in pharmacies

Alcoholic Drinks
Alcohol is not innocent
Adults have to protect minors
They have to be responsible and not give minors alcohol
They have to make known and tell the whole truth about
alcoholic drinks
Those who don’t know can learn

Alcoholic Drink
Only for those over the age of 18 
who aren’t taking medicine

Low Risk
Men - Up to 3 Units / day
(21 per week)
Women - Up to 2 Units / day
(14 per week)
Occasional Consumption
Up to 4 Units one day

Alcoholic Drink
ONE Unit
1 Standardized Drink-UBE is equivalent to 8 to 12 g of alcohol
(8 to 10 g in many references)
        One glass of wine
                Half a pint
                Half a brandy
                Half a whisky
Similar alcohol amounts
               Different flavor, volume and price

Alcoholic Drinks
Don’t guarantee joy
Consumption misuse is a cultural misconception
Learning how to correctly use alcohol
is the best way to prevent risks and damages
Abusive consumption shows
a lack or absence of Health Education
Fun doesn’t mean always joy
Get rid of ignorance

Alcoholic Drink
Learning to Reduce risks
Drink water and quench thirst
Drink alcohol slowly to have time to savour the taste
Between 2 drinks with alcohol drink 1 without alcohol
This way you can better understand what you drink

Alcoholic Drinks
Drinking ? Why ?
For what reason?
To enjoy or vomit?
To zoom in or out?
To enjoy the taste or gulp down?
To be accepted or rejected?
To have fun or to be ridiculous?
To disinhibit or fall asleep?

Alcoholic Drinks
For the sake of whom?
More alcohol doesn’t make more friends
Alcohol makes you talk a lot and listen less
Those who drink to be able to speak
drink more and more
Those who drink to diminish stress create more anxiety

and more need to drink

Alcoholic Drinks
To reduce risks
1st  Empty stomach? Never !

2nd Alone ? Don’t drink

3rd Don’t accept rounds

4th Drink small sips

5th Don’t drink to calm

6th Don’t drink under stress

7th Don’t drink if you are sad

8th Respect the limits 

Alcoholic Drinks
Promote thinking
More and more consumption Is for what reason?
Those who consume in gulps
don’t use the time to savour and taste
Those who consume abusively lose the capacity to appreciate to listen, to feel and to enjoy

Alcoholic Drinks
With Education
Those who have self-esteem kill their thirst with water
Those who have self-esteem and also enjoy
drinking alcohol take time to appreciate and taste
Those who know how to drink feel well with themselves
and with others

 Alcoholic Drinks
Truth ?  Lie ?
Is it a food ?
Does it warm you ?
Does it help digestion ?
Is it good for the heart ?
Does it quench your thirst ?
Does it open up your appetite ?
Does it give your body more strength?
Does it improve your sexual performance?
All this is an illusion

Alcoholic Drink
A chemical not innocent
In the brain it modifies our knowledge and
the capacity to think evaluate, speak, hear, and see
It interferes with our reflexes, walking and movements
High doses disturb our breathing and may cause
coma and death

Alcoholic Drink
Is not mandatory
Alcohol can cause more than 60 diseases
that can be avoided
To know how to consume is an act of culture
Do I have the knowledge and the freedom to choose?
Do I have the freedom to not drink?

Alcoholic Drink
Another glass?
Another mistake?
One drink disguises the problem but just for a short time
It doesn’t solve it just makes it worse.
More consumption means more risks behaviors
on the sidewalk, on the road, in the car,
in families, at home, in bed.

Alcoholic Drink
More abuse
More damage
Consumption with damage, sequels or after-effects
The person who abused doesn’t remember
what happened
Those who saw, those who heard, cannot forget
what they witnessed.

Alcoholic Drink
Blow in the balloon test
Grams of alcohol per liter of blood
EUPHORIA up to 0,5
Less Criticism  Less Skill
LOSSES  0.5 – 1
Memory and Skills
Attention Judgment
DAMAGES  1 - 3
Walking  Strength  Vomiting
Speech  Vision  Critical  Ability
COMA  3 – 5
Lack of Reflexes and Breathing
DEATH  >  5

You will never blow again

Alcoholic Drink
Abuse in humans
Those who consume abusively flaunt themselves
They feel so “puffed up”
They feel as proud as, a rooster or peacock

If they continue, they will do nothing but nonsense
They behave like a monkey
If they insist, they lose their good manners and may vomit urinate or soil themselves
They behave like a pig
If they insist they risk coma
They then…can die

Alcoholic Drink
Change sexual behavior
Promises will increase
Capacities will decrease
Too much alcohol, too many risks
I don’t know what is happening
I don’t even know what happened
Alcohol increases desire
   and decreases performance (WS)

Alcoholic Drink
Alcohol isn’t innocent
Do I have a friend who is suffering?
Is it due to dependency?
Is it due to another disease?
Does he/she use it as self-medication?
From use without damage to alcohol related diseases
there are steps on this path

Alcoholic Drink

Was I taught how to drink?
Dependence is harmful
It is one of the diseases which is a consequence of misuse
It isn’t a personal or moral weakness
The main symptom Is the loss of control
in consumption
Analyze the situation with the Medical Doctor

Alcoholic Drink
Being dependent
Having to consume when the effect disappears
Feeling relieved when having a drink, ~
but getting worse due to drinking
Hiding what you drink
Having to increase the dose
Failing to be able to reduce the amounts
Having an obsession with getting more
This means losing your freedom not to drink

Alcoholic Drink

To be dependent
is not a goal
Hangovers is a sickness
Intoxication is a sickness
Addiction is a sickness
when drinking is no longer a pleasure
Listen to the sober consumer
Don’t let children see you drunk
Diseases due to alcohol are treatable

Alcoholic Drink
Abuse is Harmful Use

of misuse is for everybody

it’s a necessity for those who fell ill
Neither is it a prize, nor punishment
It’s beneficial to all
it’s for anyone who abuses and still doesn’t accept