segunda-feira, 4 de agosto de 2014

New synthetic drugs, new challenges: Reflections on 3 years of free trade and free consumption in Portugal

Conference Global Addiction 2014 ROMA

Roma Eventi - Fontana di Trevi
MAIN SESSION: Loyola auditorium Day 3 Thursday 26 June 2014

New synthetic drugs, new challenges: Reflections on 3 years of free trade and free consumption in Portugal. Dr. L Patricio (PT)

The offer of new synthetic drugs, has increased significantly since the beginning of this century. The dissemination and promotion of consumption through the internet is very active and has an unquestionable effectiveness.

The information of the composition of these substances, in most situations have no scientific credibility, but the consumer has indeed some confidence about what he or she consumes.

In Europe, the answers to counter its harmful consumption were asymmetric and staggered.
A major warnings about the risks associated with the consumption of these substances, was released by the EMCDDA in May 2010.

There were countries where the response was swift, taking early policies and technical measures considered appropriate or essential to deal with the reality of damages related with the use of these new substances. But there were also countries where the answers to the supply control or demand reduction, were more retarded.

And there were countries where access to these substances through the internet, has been strengthened by facilitating their immediate purchase in shops.

This happened in Portugal with the creation of spaces for commerce, attractive, strategically and legally placed on network and easily accessible, where the buyers will receive specific information about the products to consume. For many, the legality of this trade, seemed to convey safety for consumption.

However, the significant increase of emergency diseases by consumers, witnessed the ignorance of what was consumed. So, was the damage caused by the consumption of these substances, mostly unknown, which forced the authorities to review the permittivity and illegalize many drugs (2013).

During three years, many consumers have started and increase the fidelity to these kind of consumptions. The free offer for an intense and open consumption, moved to the offer through internet which resulted in decreased incidence.

The ignorance of consumers, has joined the lack of knowledge of many health professionals: they were not prepared to answer the damages associated with the consumption of these substances.

However, consumers still do not know in fact what they consume. And many professionals still don't know what is consumed.

In the videos that are presented, the consumers who became ill, explains these facts, and health professionals who treated patients with their psychopathology, share their reflections.

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